Thursday, February 10, 2011

Zebra in Ngorongoro Crater

The plural of zebra is zebra.
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Saturday, February 05, 2011

Barranco Valley Waterfall


This is getting to be fun! I know it looks a little fake, I'm going to try not to go too far overboard on the HDR stuff but at the same time it's really interesting to play with.

This shot is a self-portrait taken at a waterfall in the Barranco Valley, Kilimanjaro.
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Rescuing photos

I'm starting, very slowly, to rescue some old corrupted images from 2008. My old chipset had a graphics card problem that ate a lot of my favorite photos. Some of them, though, were preserved in the original RAW file form. I'm now slowly developing those and learning a bit about high dynamic range tone mapping--here is one example, with hopefully more to come soon!
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Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

Took about 1/2 hour to fit out the truck bed with 3/4" closed-cell foam.
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