It was raining torrentially this morning when I woke up. By the time I'd had my first cup of coffee, the rain had stopped and the sky was grey. By the time I'd had my second cup, the sky had cleared. I walked around and savored the feeling of the freshly washed city.
I stopped to take a picture of the cathedrals and this mural, which contains a beautiful and romantic quote from Neruda: "Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos." I'll leave that for you to translate or you can write if you like!
It's spring here and I have only two weeks left before I head back home. That's exciting because I miss some things about home, but sad because, as always, my list of things I wish I had done is still very long....
Saludos, Tim
"Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos." I'll leave that for you to translate or you can write if you like!
OK, I'm writing.......Whuzzit?
It means "I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees."
About a month ago in Salamanca, my class friends and I went in a group to the Casa Lis...but when I saw that captivating graffiti, I immediately stopped to take a picture of it... I'm a fan of Neruda but I never ran into that poem before... Nevertheless, I fell in love in Salamanca (with a Dutch boy also called Tim!) and he wanted to buy me a poetry book, knowing that I was fascinated with that graffiti... The poetry in Spanish, especially by South-American poets, really seems special to me...
The picture is beautiful, nice work!
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